מאמרם של ד"ר אורלי יחזקאל, פרופ יורם זעירא, ווויליאם ניובורי אשר התקבל לפרסום ב-
Chinese Business Review
Chinese Business Review
Separate research streams have identified relationships between IJV autonomy and IJV effectiveness, and between functional/dysfunctional parent-company differentiation and IJV effectiveness. This study attempts to integrate these two literature streams by examining how these two sets of independent variables interact in terms of predicting IJV effectiveness. Results partially support our hypotheses that the autonomy-effectiveness relationship is less positive with greater functional differentiation and more positive with greater dysfunctional differentiation. The results provide strong support for our hypotheses that activities closer to the local operating environment will influence these relationships such that autonomy becomes more important to effectiveness when an activity has strong local ties